Thursday, April 12, 2007

Here I Go Again!

Well, it's been two months plus since I plugged in here and boy have I gotten lazy. Let me fill you in on what's going on in my life.

We have feverishly been preparing for our move back to the Caribbean--the island of Puerto Rico--since January. In mid Feb. I had abdominal surgery and around the 10th of March we listed our house with the realtor. That same afternoon people came to see it and three days later we accepted their contract for it. We closed on the 27th of March. We had to have everything moved into storage and out of the house in 17 days, start to finish. Tol and I left for Puerto Rico on the 29th hoping to be able to look at some houses and see what was available to live in. We were so amazed that we not only looked at a lot of houses, but found one to purchase (see the picture at top), put a contract on it, got the mortgage process well on its way, opened a bank account and even got a P. O. Box all in 5 days. In the land where everything moves at a snail's pace we felt we accomplished the impossible.

It has been very apparent that the Lord has worked constantly on our behalf, lining up the support that Tol will need to do his work in the Caribbean, selling our home, finding us another home and even providing temporary housing for us in the meantime. Lord willing, our last Sunday here will be May 6th, at which time we will be going to Texas for a week or so then on to Florida where we will be shipping our vehicle. We should arrive in PR around the 18th or 19th of May.

I am ready to make this move and get settled once again. When we were in PR a couple of weeks ago, we met with the brethren there and they were very excited about our coming. They seem ready to work and help us reach out to the lost in their area. We already have a hectic schedule planned for the summer with two vacation Bible schools and trips to at least two other islands for gospel meetings. We will hit the ground running once we move.

I'll be speaking at a women's retreat near Nashville this weekend on the subject of "Befriending the Lost" and as I have prepared for this lecture it has reminded me why we are making this move. It truly is all about Him and His glory. I have struggled for months over having to move back to the Caribbean. After having lived there for 8 years in the nineties, I thought I was back home to stay (home in the states), but I know this is what God has set before us and know that He will help me adjust once again.

Remember us in your prayers and if you would ever like to come and help in any way with the work there, you would be welcome.
God Bless, Dana Burk

1 comment:

Amberly said...

Hi! I am going to be at the retreat tomorrow and will be in your class Saturday! I'm looking forward to it!