Monday, February 18, 2008

Connecting with Grandchildren

We just spent a few days with three of our grandchildren in Florida. I have promised myself that I am going to do better this year at keeping connected with them. We have so much fun with them when we are there, but we never get to stay long enough nor do we get to go often enough--two or three times a year.

I ran across a web site that had some really good ideas on how to maintain long-distance relationships with grandkids as well as a lot of other ideas for grandparents. Check it out. When I viewed it, it had a calendar for the next six months of some unusual ways to celebrate with the kids. And, you know, the more I wondered around the internet, the more cool things I found for kids that I could share with them. Give it a try.

Keeping an open and close relationship with our children and grandchildren who live far from us is easier now than ever with all the technology available to us. It is worth learning how to navigate through this computer age. Remeber that we as grandparents can have a powerful impact on these young lives as we see Paul address in his words to Timothy.
Tim 1:55 "when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt
first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice , and I am persuaded is in you

Dana Burk

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