Thursday, January 17, 2008

Grasping At Every Straw

We have been in Puerto Rico for almost 8 months now and teaching the gospel here has been quite a challenge. Ed, our friend, has been here about 4 months. We have had two different on-going studies with two sets of our neighbors and been able to get the English congregation that we meet with to begin meeting on Wed. evenings and start having Bible class on Sun. mornings. Lots of teaching is being done in both of these efforts, but it does seem that things are very slow.

I was talking with Ed last night and we were brainstorming about how we could make some contacts. (Tol is in Dominica preaching there for 9 days.) Today Ed told me he had had a study at Starbucks with a guy he bought his cell phone from. I shot an email off to the girlfriend of one of the sons (who is not a Christian) of one of our Spanish brethren to see if we could get together sometime next week. Truly we are grasping at every straw to try and get some things going in this very worldly environment.

As I thought about this today, I thought about how we often get so comfortable with our big churches, comfortable buildings and fellowship with "strong" brethren that we cease grasping at every straw to try and reach others for Christ. After all, we don't "need" them as desperately as we do down here in Puerto Rico. I say that tongue in cheek but I fear there is some truth in it. We must never forget that whether WE "need" them or not, THEY need God and we have the responsibility to find them.

Keep grasping at every straw to bring them in.

Dana Burk

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