Friday, October 05, 2007

Details, Details, Details

Ever thought about how important details are in this life? How many things must be done precisely and perfectly in order to work. Just type in a web site address and be off by one small letter or symbol and who knows where you will end up on the World Wide Web. Today I dialed a phone number and had only one digit off out of 10 and couldn't reach the person I was calling. Try and order something with your credit card over the computer and type in one number wrong and you won't be receiving your merchandise.

I'm doing some Spanish lessons on the computer and must speak into the microphone to be tested. If I place an "e" at the end of a word instead of an "a" or say "el" instead of "la" it is marked as wrong. Everything else I say may be exactly right in a phrase of ten or twelve words, but it will all be counted wrong because of that one little detail. I used to be a head teller for a bank and had to put my part of the combination in along with another teller in order to open the massive safe door. If either one of us missed the tiny marks on the wheel by even a fraction, the door wouldn't budge. Even if I want to go visit my friend across town, I must have detailed directions along with the exact address in order to arrive at his/her house and not the neighbors.

Details, details, details--we all recognize that they are so important in every aspect of our lives. Why is it then, when it comes to religion and obedience to God's word, that so many balk at having to precisely obey its commands? Why do we think that details are so important except in the most important area of our lives? God has mercifully left us a detailed and precise road map by which we can get home, but we must follow the directions exactly if we want to make sure we end up at our mansion and not somewhere else.

Turning South at one point instead of turning North will send us in the total opposite direction from where we intend to be. It is the same with following God's word. When He says one thing and we do the opposite, how can we possibly believe we will end up in the right place? When He tells us to assemble with the saints and we do not assemble with the saints, will we end up in the same place? When He says we must be baptized and we say we must not be baptized, are we on the same road? When He says do not lie and we lie, are we heading the same direction?

I've heard the expression used "the devil is in the details". I'm not totally sure what is meant by that, however, the devil is certainly present cheering us on when we are not following the details of God's word.

Dana Burk

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