Wednesday, April 05, 2006

How to Be a Friendly Church

We have visitors every week and we are thankful for them. To be regarded as a friendly church is a precious commodity. Here are some rules that will help us perpetuate a friendly environment.

  • The 30-second rule. Most guest will make a judgment about us during the first 30 seconds after they enter. Let's greet people at the doors with a handshake and a smile. "We're so glad you came!"
  • The front door rule. Many people need help to find their classes or a seat in the auditorium. If they find it difficult to locate a class or a seat, they may choose not to return.
  • The ten-foot rule. Greet any person with whom you are not familiar who comes within ten feet of you. Make eye contact and be friendly.
  • The five-minute rule. Take the first five minutes after services to seek out guests and greet them. Encourage them to return and thank them for coming.


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