Sunday, April 09, 2006

Illegal or Not

I have been in the car driving home from a friends, for the last four hours, listening to the news and commentators on the radio discuss the immigration/illegal alien controversy. There are some good points on both sides and I have mixed emotions about taking either position. The intention of this website is certainly NOT to discuss political views and I am not interested in doing so here, but I do want each of us, as Christians, to think for a moment about the many, many illegal aliens we have living in our country.

Recently, while a visitor in another congregation, I heard a teacher of the adult Bible class make what I felt was a very snide remark about Mexicans and allude to the fact that he would soon have to move to Mexico where there would be no Mexicans living. In the classroom were brethren of at least two other races, that I noticed, and my first thought was what did they think about his comment. My next thought was, these "Mexicans" (though not all illegal Hispanics are from Mexico) have souls that need to hear the gospel just like "white" people.

I must admit that I have a very soft heart for brethren from other countries having myself lived outside of this country for 8 years. My husband is fluent in the Spanish language and does extensive evangelistic work throughout the Caribbean, Mexico and South America. We have many, many, many Hispanic friends whom we love dearly: I guess I am partial. Therefore, it disturbs me greatly, when I hear brethren make remarks as this gentleman did.

The Bible teaches that God created ALL men equally and that their is no partiality with Him. If you are Caucasian, how thankful you should be that God is not prejudiced against "whites". Remember, you are a Gentile and NOT of His chosen race, the Jews. Sometimes, I think we need to walk in other people's shoes before we make such flippant comments.

How much more profitable it would be for each of us if Christians were heard making comments about how they were trying to learn the Spanish language so they could reach out to and teach these hundreds of thousands of souls that are coming into our lives. Do we not see that the fields are white unto harvest and we are passing up thousands and thousands of sheaves we could be bringing in to our Lord? Illegal or not, our God loves them and so should we.

Dana Burk

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