Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Using One's Talent

I have no voice for singing,
I cannot make a speech.
I have no gift for music,
I know I cannot teach.
I am no good at leading,
I cannot "organize".
And anything I write
Would never win a prize.
But a roll call in Bible class
I always answer "here".
When others are teaching
I lend a listening ear.
After the class is over
I praise its every part;
My words are not to flatter,
I mean them from my heart.
It seems my only talent
Is neither big nor rare,
Just to listen and encourage
And to fill a vacant chair.
But all the gifted people
Could not so brightly shine,
Were it not for those who use
A talent such as mine.
---Author Unknown
What a powerful verse and one we all can benefit from reading. How true it is that there would be no purpose for those who are gifted if they had no one to share their gifts with. The person who is always "present" has a tremendous gift to offer to the Lord's church, however. Truly they are an encouragement to each of us--they can always be counted on.
The apostles called Barnabas "son of encouragement". In the book of Acts we see him encouraging others. We never see him doing any "great thing" necessarily, and yet his life touches so many of the early Christians in a positive way. I believe that is why we have his name recorded and his simple deeds detailed for us--we too can be sons of encouragement (and daughters) by being where we ought to be and doing the simple things God has called us to do. Jesus said just a cup of cold water given in His name would bring us great reward. (Mark 9:41)
Dana Burk

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