Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Questioning God's Word

I was just studying the Bible with a friend who has lots of questions; what does the Bible have to say about dinosaurs, did God only "create" Adam and Eve and we all descended from them or did He create others, how does the Bible say we are to dress when we go to worship, is a woman to wear a covering, etc? On my drive home I began to think about how glad I was that she not only had questions but that she was willing to ask them. That opened up opportunities for us to search the scriptures together and see what it had to say.

Sometimes we think if we question the things of God it shows our weakness or lack of faith, but I rather think it shows our desire to learn more and dig deeper. How can I come to be more like Him if I do not really know Him and His will. As the Ethiopian treasurer queried Philip about the words of Isaiah in Acts 8, he said how could he understand unless someone guide him. Truly it can be a good thing when we have questions about the word of God because it will cause us to dig, search and study, only solidifying His truths in our minds more thoroughly.

When you have a question about God, His word or His will, don't shy away from it; ask it. Find someone who has a good knowledge of God's word and sit down with them and your Bible and search the scriptures to see what they say. You will be richer and fuller of faith for it.

Dana Burk

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